Datepicker for React-Strap

Nyxynyx picture Nyxynyx · Nov 13, 2017 · Viewed 14.8k times · Source

I am using react-strap npm package to use Bootstrap 4 components in my React app.

When I try to add the datepicker react-bootstrap-date-picker

npm install --save react-bootstrap-date-picker

then try to use it in my component:

var DatePicker = require("react-bootstrap-date-picker");

I get the error

Error in ./~/react-bootstrap-date-picker/lib/index.js

Module not found: 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button' in C:\Users\y\Desktop\Code\test\node_modules\react-bootstrap-date-picker\lib

@ ./~/react-bootstrap-date-picker/lib/index.js 15:14-51

Is this because react-bootstrap-date-picker is not compatible with react-strap? In this case, which npm packages should I install for bootstrap 4 components so that the datepicker module can work?


shuning picture shuning · Nov 15, 2017

react-bootstrap-date-picker is using react-bootstrap, react-bootstrap depends on bootstrap3. reactstrap is for bootstrap4 That is why it doesnt work.

You can use react-widgets DateTimePicker instead.