Provide type hints to monaco editor

Jon N picture Jon N · Mar 27, 2017 · Viewed 6.9k times · Source

I am trying to provide intellisense / code completion into a javascript editor using the Monaco editor. The code needs to be valid javascript, not typescript.

Given some user entered script like this:

function onMyEvent(event)

I want to provide code completion on the event parameter, which is a typescript class I have the t.ds of, and can infer at runtime.

Ideally, I would just like to tell Monaco that the type of event is SomeEventClass, and let it do the rest. Even if that meant adding type hints to the script. But I can't see how to do that. I tried using JSDoc syntax and various combinations in the user script, but it looks like thats blocked FTB see: and Adding JavaScript type hints for VSCode/Monaco Intellisence

I also tried injecting a dynamic d.ts, as per

But declaring the function didn't seem to mean anything to the editor. Declaring a new class definitely worked, I just can't work out how to tell Monaco that event in that function is a specific type.

I can see the registerCompletionItemProvider API, but that doesn't give you any context of where the item was declared etc, and also doesn't let me automatically use the d.ts file that I want to.


Jon N picture Jon N · Jul 19, 2017

As of Monaco version 0.90, since has been fixed, you can add achieve this partially if you use JSDoc in the editing code.

For this code in the left side of the Monaco playgound:

    // validation settings
    noSemanticValidation: true,
    noSyntaxValidation: false

// compiler options
    target: monaco.languages.typescript.ScriptTarget.ES6,
    allowNonTsExtensions: true,
    allowJs: true

// extra libraries
    'declare class SomeEventType {',
    '    /**',
    '     * Heres the doco for someProperty',
    '     */',
    '    someProperty: string',
].join('\n'), 'filename/facts.d.ts');

var jsCode = [
    '"use strict";',
    " * @param {SomeEventType} event",
    " */",
    "function onMyEvent(event) {",

monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("container"), {
    value: jsCode,
    language: "javascript"

Means that the editor can now interpret the event parameter as a SomeEventType:

editor screenshot showing code complete