I'm trying to figure out how to pass unit_number
into the modal when it pops up. I'm pretty new with Angular and I'm a little confused with what resolve:
and group:
are doing and how I can include the unit_number in that return statement.
$scope.openTenantModal = function (unit_number) {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'views/addtenantmodal.html',
controller: 'AddTenantModalCtrl',
size: 'large',
resolve: {
group: function () {
return $scope.group;
modalInstance.result.then(function () {
}, function () {
You are using ui-bootstrap
Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS
To pass a variable to a modal's controller you need to use
resolve: {
A: function() {
return 'myVal'
And then you can access that variable 'A' from the modal`s controller by injecting it
controller: ['A', function(A) {
// now we can add the value to the scope and use it as we please...
$scope.myVal = A;
Check out: https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/modal
Members that will be resolved and passed to the controller as locals; it is equivalent of the resolve property in the router.
And group is just a member (it could be anything you choose)