iPhone / iPad / iPod swipe events javascript

pondpad picture pondpad · Sep 8, 2010 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

Im looking for (if possible) javascript libraries/plugins to provide swipe events.

However I am not after the simple detection of a swipe, for example what jqTouch provides. I wish to create behavior similar to that of the images viewer on the iPod devices. So for example you drag left or right to go to the next image. You have to drag the image over 50% of the way and let go and it will snap to the next image. If you do not drag 50% of the image, it just snaps back to the original.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.


Michael Mullany picture Michael Mullany · Sep 9, 2010

I think you might be looking for something like the Carousel component in Sencha Touch (view on iPad/iPhone or Chrome/Safari). This has the behavior you want built in. [I work for Sencha]