unexpected reserved word import in node.js

Dracontis picture Dracontis · Sep 2, 2015 · Viewed 90.1k times · Source

I'm trying to run node.js backend server. I've received error unexpected reserved word on import in Node.js file.

The lines in file core.module.js is:

'use strict';
import lodashMixins from './lodashMixins.js'
... other imports and configurations ...

I launch simple command: node core.module.js

It's not uncommon error, but usually it happens with other libraries. I haven't seen solution for Node.js. How should I fix this? I'm using Windows Server.

Edit: I've find out that it's ES6, but how could I launch it? It looks like backend for the application, but I have no idea what command should I use to launch it without errors.


Sami picture Sami · Sep 2, 2015

import is a part of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) standard and as Amit above mentioned it is not currently implemented natively in Nodejs.

So you can use transpiler like babel to run your es6 script

npm install babel

An example based on this answer


 import {helloworld,printName} from './es6'


 module.exports = {
    helloworld: function() { console.log('hello world!'); },
    printName: function(name) { console.log(name); }

And using require hook in start.js

var app = require("./app.js");

And start your app as

node start.js

EDIT The above answer was base on babel v5.8.23. For babel >= v6

Use require hook in start.js as


Also, transformations are not enabled by default. So you will need to install a preset. In this case use es2015

npm install babel-preset-es2015

And use it in a .babelrc file in root folder

   "presets": ["es2015"]