What is "export default" in JavaScript?

damphat picture damphat · Jan 14, 2014 · Viewed 438k times · Source

File: SafeString.js

// Build out our basic SafeString type
function SafeString(string) {
  this.string = string;

SafeString.prototype.toString = function() {
  return "" + this.string;

export default SafeString;

I have never seen export default before. Are there any equivalent stuff for export default that can be easier to understand?


p.s.w.g picture p.s.w.g · Jan 14, 2014

It's part of the ES6 module system, described here. There is a helpful example in that documentation, also:

If a module defines a default export:

export default function() { console.log("hello!") }

then you can import that default export by omitting the curly braces:

import foo from "foo";
foo(); // hello!

Update: As of June 2015, the module system is defined in §15.2 and the export syntax in particular is defined in §15.2.3 of the ECMAScript 2015 specification.