open a file with default program in node-webkit

InvisibleUn1corn picture InvisibleUn1corn · Apr 27, 2015 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I want to give the user any option he want to edit a file, how can I open a file with the default program of the specific file type? I need it to work with Windows and Linux but Mac option would be great too.


Khalid picture Khalid · Apr 28, 2015

as PSkocik said, first detect the platform and get the command line :

function getCommandLine() {
   switch (process.platform) { 
      case 'darwin' : return 'open';
      case 'win32' : return 'start';
      case 'win64' : return 'start';
      default : return 'xdg-open';

second , execute the command line followed by the path

var exec = require('child_process').exec;

exec(getCommandLine() + ' ' + filePath);