I am working on an isomorphic javascript app with express + react. We started out using jade for server side templates for static content, but combining the two is quickly becoming unwieldy. We have ended up with something like this:
In the express routes:
router.get("/", function(req, res) {
var webpackStats = require('../../config/webpack-stats.json');
var reactHtml = React.renderToString(HiwApp({}));
var slideshowHtml = React.renderToString(slideshowApp({}));
var config = {
webpackStats: webpackStats,
reactOutput: reactHtml,
slideshowHtml: slideshowHtml
res.render("how_it_works/howitworks", config);
In Jade:
!= reactOutput
include ./content_block_1.jade
include ./content_block_2.jade
!= slideshowHtml
This is very brittle-if we want jsx then a jade template then more jsx, we have to make sure we get the order right.
My idea is to do it all with jsx. I know there is React.renderToStaticMarkup for this sort of thing, but that doesn't solve the problem of mixing dynamic with static pages.
The big questions: if we decide to do all of this with jsx (say layout.jsx which contains all components), then call React.renderToString(App({});
, will this be a major performance hit? If so, is there a better way to do it to easily combine static and dynamic blocks?
Although this may be a tiny bit off topic: We stuck with jade templates.
Basically we wanted the flexibility to use a non-react + flux architecture for areas of the site when and if that need arose. Our site is basically made up of a number of smaller SP apps: Site, UserAccount, Team and Admin.
Why did we do this?
Smaller filesize and overhead for users who are not accessing all sections of the site.
Option to "opt out" of React and flux if and when the need arises.
Simpler, server side authentication.