Keyboard up and down arrows

rammohan picture rammohan · Nov 11, 2008 · Viewed 38k times · Source

I have one autocomplete search, in which by typing few characters it will show all the names, which matches the entered character. I am populating this data in the jsp using DIV tag, by using mouse I'm able to select the names. But I want to select the names in the DIV tag to be selected using the keyboard up and down arrow. Can anyone please help me out from this.


EndangeredMassa picture EndangeredMassa · Dec 17, 2008

Use the onkeydown and onkeyup events to check for key press events in your results div:

var UP = 38;
var DOWN = 40;
var ENTER = 13;

var getKey = function(e) {
  if(window.event) { return e.keyCode; }  // IE
  else if(e.which) { return e.which; }    // Netscape/Firefox/Opera

var keynum = getKey(e);

if(keynum === UP) {
  //Move selection up

if(keynum === DOWN) {
  //Move selection down

if(keynum === ENTER) {
  //Act on current selection