I'm making a game in Phaser using some large images that I want to scale down in the actual game:
create() {
//Create the sprite group and scale it down to 30%
this.pieces = this.add.group(undefined, "pieces", true);
this.pieces.scale.x = 0.3;
this.pieces.scale.y = 0.3;
//Add the players to the middle of the stage and add them to the 'pieces' group
var middle = new Phaser.Point( game.stage.width/2, game.stage.height/2);
var player_two = this.add.sprite(middle.x - 50, middle.y, 'image1', undefined, this.pieces);
var player_one = this.add.sprite(middle.x, middle.y-50, 'image2', undefined, this.pieces);
However because the sprites are scaled in size, their starting location is also scaled, so instead appearing in the middle of the stage, they appear only 30% of the distance to the middle.
How do I scale the sprite image without it affecting their location?
(The code is incidentally in Typescript but I think this particular sample is also javascript so that's probably irrelevant)
Set Sprite.anchor to 0.5 so the physics body is centered on the Sprite, scale the sprite image without it affecting their location.
this.image.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);