I'm wondering if there's any way to make Dropzone.js (http://dropzonejs.com) work with a standard browser POST instead of AJAX.
Some way to inject the inputs type=file in the DOM right before submit maybe?
No. You cannot manually set the value of a <input type='file'>
for security reasons. When you use Javascript drag and drop features you're surpassing the file input altogether. Once a file is fetched from the user's computer the only way to submit the file to the server is via AJAX.
Workarounds: You could instead serialize the file or otherwise stringify it and append it to the form as a string, and then unserialize it on the server side.
var base64Image;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", function () {
base64Image = reader.result;
// append the base64 encoded image to a form and submit
}, false);
Perhaps you're using dropzone.js because file inputs are ugly and hard to style? If that is the case, this Dropzone.js alternative may work for you. It allows you to create custom styled inputs that can be submitted with a form. It supports drag and drop too, but with drag and drop you cannot submit the form the way you want. Disclaimer: I am author of aforementioned library.