NodeJS - how to get spawned child to communicate with parent?

rockamic picture rockamic · Jan 24, 2014 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

I'm trying this out:

var child = spawn('node', args, {cwd: parentDir, stdio: 'ipc'} );

(args is an array of parameters)

but it gives the following error:

TypeError: Incorrect value of stdio option: ipc

This actually works, so the problem seems indeed to be the stdio ipc parameter:

var child = spawn('node', args, {cwd: parentDir} );

This also works:

 var child = spawn('node', args, {cwd: parentDir, stdio: 'pipe'} );

I read this: but I don't see where I am going wrong. This is the first time I try to use this NodeJS functionality so I am sorry if the problem is evident.

Maybe there is some other way to solve the problem. The child has to be spawned and not forked and I simply want to be able to send messages from the child to the parent.

Thank you!!

EDIT: I have Node v0.8.18. I searched version history for IPC and there's nothing with search term "IPC" that makes me think that I need a newer version of NodeJS.


Hanuman picture Hanuman · May 3, 2016

Here's a full example, slightly different from the other answers:


spawn('node', ['child.js'], {
    stdio: ['inherit', 'inherit', 'inherit', 'ipc'],
}).on('message', function(data) {
  • Child shares same cwdas the parent.
  • inherit is used to share the same streams (like stdout) with the child, so you can see stuff in your console for example.


process.send && process.send('hello parent');
  • If you're going to use the same code directly, the function won't be available (it'll be undefined), so you need to check first.