Autocompletion for Ace Editor

Dr.Kameleon picture Dr.Kameleon · Feb 22, 2013 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

OK, so here's the deal:

  • I'm using Ace Editor
  • The app the editor is integrated in, is written Objective-C/Cocoa
  • I need AutoCompletion (for a given set of keywords)

Now, here's the catch :

  • I know AutoCompletion is not yet natively supported
  • I know of some attempts by others (e.g. Codiad IDE, Gherkin, Alloy-UI), some making use of Jquery UI Autocomplete - but I still cannot figure out how this could be adapted to an existing Ace setup
  • I'm still not sure if I should go for a JS-oriented solution or just use Objective-C/Cocoa for that

Any help would be more than appreciated.


Sairam Venkata picture Sairam Venkata · Dec 4, 2013

AutoCompletion can be achieved in ace editor..

Code :

    var editor = ace.edit('editor');
    var jsonUrl = "JSON/Components/proce.json";
    //the url where the json file with the suggestions is present
    var langTools = ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools");
    editor.setOptions({enableBasicAutocompletion: true});
    var rhymeCompleter = {
        getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {
            if (prefix.length === 0) { callback(null, []); return }
            $.getJSON(jsonUrl, function(wordList) {
                callback(null,  {           
                    return {name: ea.word, value: ea.word, meta: "optional text"}


Json file format :

   [ {"word":"hello"}, 
   {"word":"good morning"},
   {"word":"auto suggest"},
   {"word":"try this"}]

Reference/Demo :