How to remove/change JQuery UI Autocomplete Helper text?

user1236048 picture user1236048 · Oct 22, 2012 · Viewed 86.8k times · Source

It seems that this is a new feature in JQuery UI 1.9.0, because I used JQuery UI plenty of times before and this text never poped up.

Couldn't find anything related on the API documentation.

So using an basic autocomplete example with local source

$( "#find-subj" ).autocomplete({
    source: availableTags

When the search matches it shows this related helper text:

'1 result is available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.'

How can I disable it in a nice way, not by removing it with JQuery selectors.


TK123 picture TK123 · Oct 26, 2012

I know this has been asnwered but just wanted to give an implementation example:

var availableTags = [

    source: availableTags,
    messages: {
        noResults: 'no results',
        results: function(amount) {
            return amount + 'results.'