How to get the selected node in the package explorer from an Eclipse plugin

Benjamin picture Benjamin · Feb 25, 2009 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

I'm writing an Eclipse command plugin and want to retrieve the currently selected node in the package explorer view. I want to be able to get the absolute filepath, where the selected node resides on the filesystem (i.e. c:\eclipse\test.html), from the returned result.

How do I do this ?


Fabian Steeg picture Fabian Steeg · Feb 25, 2009

The first step is to get a selection service, e.g. from any view or editor like this:

ISelectionService service = getSite().getWorkbenchWindow()

Or, as VonC wrote, you could get it via the PlatformUI, if you are neither in a view or an editor.

Then, get the selection for the Package Explorer and cast it to an IStructuredSelection:

IStructuredSelection structured = (IStructuredSelection) service

From that, you can get your selected IFile:

IFile file = (IFile) structured.getFirstElement();

Now to get the full path, you will have to get the location for the IFile:

IPath path = file.getLocation();

Which you then can finally use to get the real full path to your file (among other things):


You can find more information on the selection service here: Using the Selection Service.