Spring Boot HealthIndicator by Example

smeeb picture smeeb · Dec 22, 2017 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I am looking to build a robust and detailed health check endpoint (/health) on my Spring Boot REST service. I just read this excellent Baeldung article on the subject but still have a few concerns.

Ideally my /health endpoint would be able to take into account the individual health of ALL my subsystems (10+ of them) including the health of the host (CPU, disk utilization, available memory, etc.).

I can't tell whether Spring Boot expects you to build one-and-only one HealthIndicator impl. Or if the idea is to build one HealthIndicator impl for each major subsystem (each of which can be independently "up" or "down" respectively.

Also, in that Baeldung example, what is the difference between the top-level status and the myHealthCheck.status and where do each of them come from (in the code)?

    "status" : "DOWN",
    "myHealthCheck" : {
        "status" : "DOWN",
        "Error Code" : 1,
        "Description" : "You custom MyHealthCheck endpoint is down"
     "diskSpace" : {
         "status" : "UP",
         "free" : 209047318528,
         "threshold" : 10485760

And where does diskSpace come from?!


dustin.schultz picture dustin.schultz · Dec 22, 2019

You can implement several HealthIndicators and they will all contribute to the final overall value of UP or DOWN. The final value is an aggregate of all other values (determined by a StatusAggregator).

Example 1 (Healthy)

public class ExampleOneHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {

    public Health health() {
      // do something to check health

      // inspect the return 

      // healthy
      return Health.up().build();

Example 2 (Unhealthy)

public class ExampleTwoHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {

    public Health health() {
      // do something to check health

      // inspect the return 

      // unhealthy
      return Health.down().build();

Example 3 (Unhealthy with details)

public class ExampleThreeHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {

    public Health health() {
      // do something to check health

      // inspect the return 

      // unhealthy with details
      return Health.down()
                .withDetail("reason", "details about why it failed")

With the above three examples and the management.endpoint.health.show-details set to always (in the application.properties), you'd get the following result when calling /actuator/health.

    "status": "DOWN",
    "components": {
        "diskSpace": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
                "total": 1000240963584,
                "free": 880857858048,
                "threshold": 10485760
        "exampleOne": {
            "status": "UP"
        "exampleThree": {
            "status": "DOWN",
            "details": {
                "reason": "details about why it failed"
        "exampleTwo": {
            "status": "DOWN"
        "ping": {
            "status": "UP"

The names in the response are the class name (camel-cased) before HealthIndicator (e.g. ExampleOneHealthIndicator --> exampleOne)

The other names (such as diskSpace or ping) come from the built in health checks and the class names are named just as you'd expect (DiskSpaceHealthIndicator & PingHealthIndicator)

Note that the top-level status is DOWN. This is determined by the StatusAggregator. The default one is https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/api/org/springframework/boot/actuate/health/SimpleStatusAggregator.html

Example code
