How to deploy war file in root(/) context to Wildfly ver 9.0.1

Vartika picture Vartika · Aug 27, 2015 · Viewed 31.7k times · Source

servicelogI am newbie for Wildfly till now I was working on tomcat to deploy my applications. Now just for add on features of Wildfly we want to move on to this. I am using Windows Os, I have done with the basic implementation of wildfly to start service etc. but Unable to deploy the ROOT.war in place of Welcome page. I have studied and gone through lot of links, I added jboss-web.xml in my project WEB-INF folder with following settings as I got in links. But I am still unable to deploy the ROOT.war in standalone deployment. Each times it goes to failed. Not getting what I have done Wrong.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jboss-web xmlns=""

I have made the admin user, But for deploying I am using wildfly user setting only. For it also I uncommented the fields from bin/init.d wildfly.conf fly. But totally unaware of the error.

Note: We also tried it on linux machine but ROOT.war is not getting deployed there too.used


stefv picture stefv · May 5, 2016

To override the welcome webapp with Wildfly, you need to create a jboss-web.xml in the WEB-INF of your webapp with this content:


But if you try to access to the root directory (e.g. http://localhost:8080/) you will still have the default welcome content. To remove it, you just need to rename the directory welcome-content in the Wildfly directory.