How to add JBoss Server in Eclipse?

Subodh Joshi picture Subodh Joshi · Jul 6, 2015 · Viewed 93.5k times · Source

I am new to JBoss and have just installed Eclipse. I have added a project to the workspace and now I want to deploy it to a Jboss server. However, in the New Server Runtime Environment list, JBoss is not available:

New Server Runtime Environment without JBoss

I am using the below Eclipse version:

Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)

Why is JBoss not listed as a runtime environment? What do I have to do to add JBoss to the list of available runtime environments?


Magnilex picture Magnilex · Jul 6, 2015

Since Eclipse Mars 2 (JEE edition), JBoss Tools can be directly dowloaded from the New Server interface:

New Server

Selecting JBoss AS, WildFly, & EAP Server Tools will install JBoss Tools. After installation, the view will include JBoss/WildFly:

New Server with JBoss/WildFly

Follow the below instructions if Eclipse Mars 1 is used.

It is simply not built-in into the Eclipse distribution. You need to install JBoss Tools from the Eclipse marketplace (Help -> Eclipse Marketplace and search for "JBoss Tools").

More specifically, the feature you are asking for is documented here: