DropWizard/Jersey API Clients

smeeb picture smeeb · Oct 29, 2014 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

DropWizard uses Jersey under the hood for REST. I am trying to figure out how to write a client for the RESTful endpoints my DropWizard app will expose.

For the sake of this example, let's say my DropWizard app has a CarResource, which exposes a few simple RESTful endpoints for CRUDding cars:

public class CarResource extends Resource {
    // CRUDs car instances to some database (DAO).
    public CardDao carDao = new CarDao();

    public Car createCar(String make, String model, String rgbColor) {
        Car car = new Car(make, model, rgbColor);

        return car;

    public List<Car> getCarsByMake(String make) {
        List<Car> cars = carDao.getCarsByMake(make);
        return cars;

So I would imagine that a structured API client would be something like a CarServiceClient:

// Packaged up in a JAR library. Can be used by any Java executable to hit the Car Service
// endpoints.
public class CarServiceClient {
    public HttpClient httpClient;

    public Car createCar(String make, String model, String rgbColor) {
        // Use 'httpClient' to make an HTTP POST to the /cars endpoint.
        // Needs to deserialize JSON returned from server into a `Car` instance.
        // But also needs to handle if the server threw a `WebApplicationException` or
        // returned a NULL.

    public List<Car> getCarsByMake(String make) {
        // Use 'httpClient' to make an HTTP GET to the /cars/make/{make} endpoint.
        // Needs to deserialize JSON returned from server into a list of `Car` instances.
        // But also needs to handle if the server threw a `WebApplicationException` or
        // returned a NULL.

But the only two official references to Drop Wizard clients I can find are totally contradictory to one another:

  • DropWizard recommended project structure - which claims I should put my client code in a car-client project under car.service.client package; but then...
  • DropWizard Client manual - which makes it seem like a "DropWizard Client" is meant for integrating my DropWizard app with other RESTful web services (thus acting as a middleman).

So I ask, what is the standard way of writing Java API clients for your DropWizard web services? Does DropWizard have a client-library I can utilize for this type of use case? Am I supposed to be implementing the client via some Jersey client API? Can someone add pseudo-code to my CarServiceClient so I can understand how this would work?


user1146522 picture user1146522 · Dec 21, 2015

Here is a pattern you can use using the JAX-RS client.

To get the client:

javax.ws.rs.client.Client init(JerseyClientConfiguration config, Environment environment) {
    return new JerseyClientBuilder(environment).using(config).build("my-client");

You can then make calls the following way:

javax.ws.rs.core.Response post = client
        .header("key", value)