How to deploy a dropwizard application

Paulo Luan picture Paulo Luan · Oct 2, 2014 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I read some comments about the build of dropwizard applications: [1] "Dropwizard is designed to run as a JAR, not as a WAR file." and [2]"You can't do this. Dropwizard embeds Jetty. You should look into just using Jersey as a standard web application.", so, my questions are:

1 - How to deploy a jar file in a production environment?

2 - How will I manage the service? for example, is there a way to monitor the healthy of the application? if the application falls down how can I restart it again automatically?

[1] How to create a war from dropwizard app? [2] Dropwizard in tomcat container


Kief picture Kief · Oct 3, 2014

You can use tools like runit or systemd to manage your dropwizard app on Linux. They can do things like make sure it starts when the system starts up, and can help with detecting failures. There is a bit of scripting involved.

You can point a monitoring tool at the healthcheck URL of your app to send alerts when it's down.

For deployment, I prefer to package apps using the system packaging format, .deb (Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu), or .rpm (RedHat based systems). Use the fpm package builder to create it, and include your runit files (or whatever), and scripts to copy the jar file somewhere on the target system. If you have a private package repository, you can put builds of your app into it, and installation becomes a matter of "apt-get install myapp" or "yum install myapp". Otherwise, drop the package onto your target server and run "rpm -i myapp.rpm" or similar.