How to get the total number of minutes in the day so far?

I'm_With_Stupid picture I'm_With_Stupid · Sep 9, 2014 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

How do you get the total number of minutes in the day so far in Java (Android)? Is this possible? For example, if it was 12:37am, I would want it to return int 37 (37 minutes so far that day). Or if it was 1:41am, I would want it to return int 101 (101 minutes so far that day), or if it 12:20pm, it would return int 740 (740 total minutes that day).


I'm_With_Stupid picture I'm_With_Stupid · Sep 9, 2014

I actually used the Calendar class to figure this out.

Here is the code, with currentMinuteOfDay being the total number of minutes.

Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        int hour = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int minute = now.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

        int currentMinuteOfDay = ((hour * 60) + minute);