New to Hibernate.
I have User Group many to many relation. Three tables : User , Group and UserGroup mapping table.
@Table(name = "user")
public class User {
@Column (name = "username")
private String userName;
@Column (name = "password", nullable = false)
private String password;
@ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<Group> userGroups = new HashSet<Group>();
... setter and getters
@Table(name = "group")
public class Group {
@Column(name = "groupname")
private String groupName;
@Column(name = "admin", nullable = false)
private String admin;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "userGroups", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<User> users = new HashSet<User>();
... setter and getters
Notice that in Group Entity I'm using fetch method EAGER. Now, when I'm calling my DAO to retrive all the groups in the system using the following criteria:
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Group.class);
return criteria.list();
I'm getting all the rows from the mappgin table (usergroup) instead of getting the actual number of groups...
for example if i have in user table
username password
user1 user1
user2 user2
in group table
groupname admin
grp1 user1
grp2 user2
in usergroup table
username groupname
user1 grp1
user2 grp2
user1 grp2
user2 grp1
The result will be the following list - {grp1,grp2,grp2,grp1}
Instead of {grp1,grp2}
If I change in Group Entity the fetch method to LAZY I'm getting the correct results but hibernate throws me LazyException in another place...
Please assist what fetch method should I use and why ?
Lazy people will tell you to always use FetchType.EAGER
counter-intuitively. These are the people who generally don't worry about database performance and only care about making their development lives easier. I'm going to say you should be using FetchType.LAZY
for the increased performance benefit. Because database access is usually the performance bottleneck of most applications, every little bit helps.
If you do actually need to get a list of users for a group, as long as your call getUsers()
from within a transactional session, you won't get that LazyLoadingException
that is the bane of all new Hibernate users.
The following code will get you all groups without populating the list of users for those groups
//Service Class
public List<Group> findAll(){
return groupDao.findAll();
The following code will get you all groups with the users for those groups at the DAO level:
//DAO class
public List<Group> findAllWithUsers(){
Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Group.class);
criteria.setFetchMode("users", FetchMode.SUBSELECT);
//Other restrictions here as required.
return criteria.list();
Edit 1: Thanks to Adrian Shum for this code
For more info on the different types of FetchMode
's see here
If you don't want to have to write a different DAO method just to access your collection object, as long as you are in the same Session
that was used to fetch the parent object you can use the Hibernate.initialize()
method to force the initialisation of your child collection object. I would seriously not recommend that you do this for a List<T>
of parent objects. That would put quite a heavy load on the database.
//Service Class
public Group findWithUsers(UUID groupId){
Group group = groupDao.find(groupId);
//Forces the initialization of the collection object returned by getUsers()
return group;
I've not come across a situation where I've had to use the above code, but it should be relatively efficient. For more information about Hibernate.initialize()
see here
I have done this in the service layer rather than fetching them in the DAO, because then you only have to create one new method in the service rather than making a separate DAO method as well. The important thing is that you have wrapped the getUsers()
call within the transaction, so a session will have been created that Hibernate can use to run the additional queries. This could also be done in the DAO by writing join criteria to your collection, but I've never had to do that myself.
That said, if you find that you are calling the second method far more than you are calling the first, consider changing your fetch type to EAGER
and letting the database do the work for you.