Anyone using Django in the "Enterprise"

user280396 picture user280396 · Feb 24, 2010 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

I know that the word “enterprise” gives some people the creeps, but I am curious to know if anyone has experience creating enterprise applications, similar to something like say… Java EE applications, which are highly concurrent, distributed applications with Django? I know Java has its own issues but its kind of viewed as THE enterprise framework and I think that’s unfortunate.

Some people say that Rails is a good replacement for Java EE but what about Django? Has anyone ever used it in this context? You only ever see pretty standard websites on and it seems like its capable of so much more. I am planning on scrapping some of our old systems which are written mostly on ASP.NET and some Java for something more easily maintainable. I started using Django for some other applications and find it to be fantastic for what I am using it for (Corporate news, intranet, etc.) internally but what about something like… an accounts receivable system, or a billing system, etc. I would hate to see a framework such as this pigeon-holed into a category it doesn't need to be. It seems to be used for social media/networking, content-heavy sites, not so much data processing, etc. I feel that it has all the elements needed to start down this path. Anyone have any thoughts?


S.Lott picture S.Lott · Feb 24, 2010

Is this what you're looking for?

Or are you looking for this list?

Here are Django powered sites in rating order:

How about Django sites focused on "business": is that "Enterprise" enough?

We do econometric data processing with Django. High volume transactions. Is that "enterprise" enough?