How can I use WindowBuilder core in Eclipse Kepler to make a simple window?

MinimalTech picture MinimalTech · Feb 7, 2014 · Viewed 31.5k times · Source

I have just downloaded the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" (version: Kepler Service Release 1 for Windows 64bit) and extract it to a folder.

The Package Description says that the IDE includes WindowBuilder Core.

So I created a New -> Java Project using the default settings and pressing Finish. Then I created a new class file with a public static void main() inside it.

Then I search all the toolbars but I can't find the WindowBuilder Toolbar anywhere so that to be able to create a new window..

How can I access the WindowBuilder Core from my Eclipse and show up the toolbar with buttons and textboxes e.t.c.?

How can I make and run a simple window with WindowBuilder?


MinimalTech picture MinimalTech · Feb 7, 2014

I found the second part of my question my own, sorry for any inconvenience.

1) How can I make and run a simple window with WindowBuilder?

As lakshman said,

  • Go to File -> New -> Other. The "select a wizard" window pops up.

  • Double click in WindowBuilder folder and then to Swing Designer subfolder.

  • Click to the Application Window and then click Next.

  • Give a Name for your new window and then click Finish. The Source code of the new Window pops up.

  • Press Run (the "Play" icon of the toolbar) to run your newly created window.

2) How can I access the WindowBuilder Core from my Eclipse and show up the toolbar with buttons and textboxes e.t.c.?

To access the core WindowBuilder you have to switch to the Design View of your newly created window. To do that, just press the Design tab at the end of the window tab. You will see the core WindowBuilder Toolbar (or "Palette") and you will be able from here to drag-n-drop the controls you want into you window.