I want to install delete-project plugin to my gerrit server. As per the latest version, I should clone it from google source and use buck build.
I cloned it and my buck is also ready.
What are the steps to be followed to build the delete project plugin and add it to my gerrit server.
I tried
buck build .
in the cloned source of delete-project. But, I am getting the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/gerrit/buck/src/com/facebook/buck/parser/buck.py", line 872, in <module>
File "/home/gerrit/buck/src/com/facebook/buck/parser/buck.py", line 867, in main
File "/home/gerrit/buck/src/com/facebook/buck/parser/buck.py", line 800, in process
File "/home/gerrit/delete-project/././BUCK", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'gerrit_plugin' is not defined
BUILD FAILED: Parse error for BUCK file ././BUCK: End of input at line 1 column 1
Please help
I managed to install delete-project plugin after following this thread:
and then install according to:
P.S. I build the jar following the below steps:
You should then find the delete-project.jar in buck-out/gen/delete-project/delete-project.jar