More specifically, a desktop libGDX-LWJGL application. There are configurations options to disable CPU syncing as well as vsynching, but regardless the application runs at 60fps.
This is fine for all practical uses - but out of curiousity if nothing else, I'd like to see how high the framerate could go.
Rode Hyde's answer is no longer correct due to changes in the library. Try this:
LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
config.vSyncEnabled = false; // Setting to false disables vertical sync
config.foregroundFPS = 0; // Setting to 0 disables foreground fps throttling
config.backgroundFPS = 0; // Setting to 0 disables background fps throttling
Also, make sure any hardware vsync is off on your GPU, if possible, as @RodHyde mentioned.