How to express inter project dependencies in Eclipse PDE

Roland Tepp picture Roland Tepp · Sep 7, 2009 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I am looking for the best practice of handling inter project dependencies between mixed project types where some of the projects are eclipse plug-in/OSGI bundle projects (an RCP application) and others are just plain old java projects (web services modules). Few of the eclipse plug-ins have dependencies on Java projects.

My problem is that at least as far as I've looked, there is no way of cleanly expressing such a dependency in Eclipse PDE environment. I can have plug-in projects depend on other plug-in projects (via Import-Package or Require-Bundle manifest headers), but not of the plain java projects.

I seem to be able to have project declare a dependency on a jar from another project in a workspace, but these jar files do not get picked up by neither export nor launch configuration (although, java code editing sees the libraries just fine).

The "Java projects" are used for building services to be deployed on an J2EE container (JBoss 4.2.2 for the moment) and produce in some cases multiple jar's - one for deploying to the JBoss ear and another for use by client code (an RCP application).

The way we've "solved" this problem for now is that we have 2 more external tools launcher configurations - one for building all the jar's and another for copying these jar's to the plug-in projects. This works (sort of), but the "whole build" and "copy jars" targets incur quite a large build step, bypassing the whole eclipse incremental build feature and by copying the jars instead of just referencing the projects I am decoupling the dependency information and requesting quite a massive workspace refresh that eats up the development time like it was candy.

What I would like to have is a much more "natural" workspace setup that would manage dependencies between projects and request incremental rebuilds only as they are needed, be able to use client code from service libraries in an RCP application plug-ins and be able to launch the RCP application with all the necessary classes where they are needed.

So can I have my cake and eat it too ;)


To be clear, this is not so much about dependency management and module management at the moment as it is about Eclipse PDE configuration.

I am well aware of products like [Maven], [Ivy] and [Buckminster] and they solve a quite different problem (once I've solved the workspace configuration issue, these products can actually come in handy for materializing the workspace and building the product)


AlBlue picture AlBlue · Sep 23, 2009

Eclipse projects depend on each other by virtue of the checkbox in the project's properties (dependent projects?) which is how Eclipse decides which to build. You can set this yourself, but it's usually set when you change your Java build path. It stores the data in the .project file IIRC so once you've gone through the GUI and seen what changes, you can be more flexible in how you apply the others.

However, it sounds like you want to mix and match Jars and Bundles. The easy way to do that is just treat all projects as Java projects. In the PDE project, you can actually go in and tweak the Java build path; it'll complain and say that it isn't the right way to do it, but it will allow you to have a PDE project depend on a Java project without all that fluffy JARing up. Having said that, it wouldn't surprise me if there were runtime problems with this approach - the PDE runtime is likely to not see it that way.

The other approach is to make your JARs themselves PDE/OSGi bundles. After all, an OSGi bundle is nothing more than a JAR with a bit of extra cruft in the Manifest, and it will let you develop and assemble your projects trivially using automatic dependency management. That's probably the easiest one to go for, even if you don't really need the manifest to be present in your bundles. But doing this will mean your PDE app can be shipped with a more modular approach instead of embedding the libraries in each plugin as necessary.

So, PDE can generate OSGi bundles, and that's just another name for JAR + Manifest stuff. You can use a JAR in exactly the same way in other environments (e.g. for your EAR or other client uses) and you can take advantage of the OSGi layer in your app. There's really no reason not to do this given the type of hybrid bundle that you're talking about.