I use .fxml-Files for the view-layer of my application. Each fxml has a controller attached to it
<AnchorPane fx:controller="movielistjavafx.view.MainWindowController">
Let's assume I have a mainFrame and it's controller. The mainFrame.fxml is loaded in the start(Stage)
Now you would like to show a fileChooser which is attached to a Stage/Window/Whatever.
For that it would be good to let the fxml-controller know about the for example primaryStage
Is there any way to inject it to the controller, or does the FXML know at runtime to which scene and stage it belongs?
Only idea I have is to store primaryStage in some static context, but that seems not like a way to do it to me.
Not FXML but the nodes (controls) in FXML (or in its Controller) know to which scene and stage they belong at runtime (after being added to the scene).
In controller class,
@FXML private Label label;
// in some method block
Stage stageTheLabelBelongs = (Stage) label.getScene().getWindow();
Alternatively you can use CDI events to get the primary stage. Look the blog entry FXML & JavaFX powered by CDI & JBoss Weld.