JavaFX - setVisible hides the element but doesn't rearrange adjacent nodes

Gillardo picture Gillardo · Feb 17, 2015 · Viewed 65.8k times · Source

In JavaFX, if I have a scene with 2 VBox elements and each VBox has multiple Label in it.
If I set the top VBox to invisible, why does the bottom VBox not move up the scene where the top VBox was ?

The VBox is invisible but I would expect the other objects to move into its place.

I am using FXML to load my controls.


eckig picture eckig · Feb 17, 2015

Node.setVisible(boolean) just toggles the visibility state of a Node.

To exclude a Node from its parents layout calculations you additionally have to set its managed state, by calling Node.setManaged(false).

If you want the managed state to be updated automatically alongside the visibility, you can use a binding as @jewelsea pointed out: node.managedProperty().bind(node.visibleProperty());