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JVM Options List - still being maintained post Oracle?
Is there a page anywhere with a definitive complete list of the command line options available to run a JVM? Everywhere I look I get referred to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/vmoptions-jsp-140102.html which is woefully incomplete. Even the Oracle page on Java 7 just refers to the page above.
Apologies for such a basic question, but I keep coming across people suggesting useful looking options to tune the JVM that I can't find documented anywhere! e.g. CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction
EDIT: Following the link referenced by MicTech below, and then the links from that Q, it appears that: http://stas-blogspot.blogspot.co.uk/2011/07/most-complete-list-of-xx-options-for.html is the best reference so far. Sigh.
There's an FAQ you might find useful about GC flags:
One thing to consider is those flags aren't "standard" so JVM implementations don't have to comply. This is why it's not listed in your link. They are implementation specific flags.