Top "Java-native-interface" questions

The Java Native Interface (JNI) gives both the ability for JVM implementations to run system native code and the ability for native code to run Java code (by creating new JVM instances).

Your APP_BUILD_SCRIPT points to an unknown file: ./jni/

I am trying to get ndk-gdb to work but I have some problems. My project structure is something like this: …

android android-ndk java-native-interface ndk-gdb
What is the 'correct' way to store a native pointer inside a Java object?

What is the 'correct' way to store a native pointer inside a Java object? I could treat the pointer as …

java java-native-interface
Calling Rust from Java

I am using Rust 1.0 beta and was able to create a small example for calling functions written in Rust from …

java java-native-interface rust
Getting Started with JNI and C under Windows

I'm new in Java learning and first time want to get start JNI. And I am working with Cygwin and …

java java-native-interface jni4net jnienv
How to use FIND_JNI on cmake

I'm trying to write a build for my project where I'm trying to replace autobuild, and I need to proper …

java-native-interface cmake hornetq
Fatal error: jni.h: No such file or directory while installing jPype

I am trying to install JPype on Ubuntu 13.04. I have Oracle Java 1.7 installed. But when I do so, I get …

java oracle java-native-interface jpype
Compress Videos using FFMPEG and JNI

I want to create an android application which can locate a video file (which is more than 300 mb) and compress …

android ffmpeg java-native-interface android-videoview
How to generate method signature?

Desired output examples: (Lorg/w3c/dom/Node;)Lorg/w3c/dom/Node; (Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/w3c/dom/…

java reflection java-native-interface method-signature
Java JNI and dependent libraries on Windows

Long story short: I have an executable jar, that calls jni.dll which is dependent on lib.dll. And I'm …

java java-native-interface java.library.path
How to reduce the apk size of Android app which need openCv lib( only for Image processing)

I'm building an Android app with min SDK 15, which uses OpenCV library.The problem is when I build apk size …

android opencv image-processing java-native-interface native