Top "Java-annotations" questions

what is the use of annotations @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)? Why the generationtype is identity?

@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) Why we are using this annotations? i need to know if this autoincrement my table …

java sql hibernate java-annotations
Difference between @EntityScan and @ComponentScan

I am trying to understand the difference here. I see that a class has been annotated with both of them …

spring-boot spring-annotations spring-4 java-annotations
Is a Python Decorator the same as Java annotation, or Java with Aspects?

Are Python Decorators the same or similar, or fundamentally different to Java annotations or something like Spring AOP, or Aspect …

java python python-decorators java-annotations
Remove @Override annotation error in Java8

I created the following interface with a single method: public interface Greeting { public void perform(); } I was trying to pass …

java compiler-errors annotations javacompiler java-annotations
Android studio warning - InnerClass annotations are missing corresponding EnclosingMember annotations

I recently upgraded to Android Studio 3.1 and upon building my Kotlin with Java project I got the following warning. InnerClass …

android java-annotations
Using Room's @ForeignKey as @Entity parameter in Kotlin

I came across a Room tutorial that makes use of the @PrimaryKey annotation on the class definition: @Entity(foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(…

java android kotlin android-room java-annotations
Visual Studio Code - Java - Lombok - The method is undefined for the type

I downloaded the following project and imported it into Visual Studio Code: I …

java spring-mvc visual-studio-code lombok java-annotations
How to suppress lombok warnings

I have an Entity @Builder class MyEntity { private Set<OtherEntitiy> children = new HashSet<>() } And i get …

java lombok java-annotations
Mocking the Qualified beans using mockito for a spring-boot application

consider my scenario public class SomeClass { @Autowired @Qualifier("converter1") private IConverter converter1; @Autowired @Qualifier("converter2") private IConverter converter2; public void …

spring spring-boot mockito java-annotations
Can annotations limit the characters of a class field in java?

I'm using java 1.8, Spring Boot and MongoDb to store some data in database to learn about mongoDb I want to …

java spring-boot spring-data-mongodb java-annotations