Top "Jasper-reports" questions

JasperReports is an open source reporting tool that can be used in all Java applications from desktop to web applications.

Displaying image in Ireports using PostgreSql

I am trying to load image from PostgreSQL database into jaspersoft ireports(4.0) but I am receiving an error. In PostgreSQL …

postgresql jasper-reports ireport
Bold not working in Jaspersoft Studio for fonts other than sans serif

In Jaspersoft Studio I have created a report where I want to display title in bold. If I use sans …

jasper-reports pdf-generation jasperserver export-to-pdf
Jaspersoft studio: UTF-8 encoding issue

I am using Jaspersoft Studio final version (v6.1.1). I have designed my report and it contains Turkish characters. When exporting …

java encoding utf-8 jasper-reports jaspersoft-studio
Java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp

I have a jrxml file. When I run that file in IReport Designer 4.8.0, Produces report without fail. But when I …

sql-server jasper-reports jasperserver
JasperReports counter variable always incrementing

This should be a simple question on JasperReports. I'm trying to do a simple counter over the whole report that …

variables jasper-reports report ireport counter
Jasper reports with PDF and Unicode (greek) characters

I have a very strange problem: I am trying to export a Jasper report containing Unicode characters (greek) as a …

pdf unicode jasper-reports ireport
Jasperreports - how to get JSON to populate a subreport

I am trying to get a table to populate with the same data in my main report using Jasper/iReport. …

json jasper-reports subreport
Jasper list element inside table element with XML datasource

I'm trying to generate a report, using Jasper iReport Designer 5.6.0, with table that contains lists inside its cells. The generated …

list nested jasper-reports xmltable xmldatasource
Jasper Report: how to customize JasperViewer so that it could only export in one format?

our customer is loving the Jasper viewer, but we have a problem. It exports data to several different formats (PDF, …

java jasper-reports viewer