Jasmine is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript code.
My usual test case looks like it("should send get request", inject(function(someServices) { //some test })); And Jasmine 2.0 async test …
javascript angularjs unit-testing mocking jasmineI'm creating a unit test for my Navbar Component and I'm getting an error: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it …
unit-testing angular jasmine angular-routingI'm trying to test my chrome extension with Jasmine but I'm having trouble getting calls.length and callCount to behave …
javascript google-chrome-extension jasmine bdd jasmine2.0I have a Backbone Model: class DateTimeSelector extends Backbone.Model initialize: -> @bind 'change:date', @updateDatetime @bind 'change:time', @…
javascript backbone.js jasmine coffeescript backbone-eventsI am trying to write a test for a Component, but I always get the error: "Error: Error in ./ExpenseOverviewComponent …
angular jasmine webpack karma-runner angular2-testingI have a class with a static method that I want to test in Jasmine. I understand that static methods …
javascript class static jasmine spyI am wanting to ensure that a object's method gets called as an event handler, when a custom jQuery event …
javascript unit-testing jasmine twitter-flightI need to set the test to succeed if one of the two expectations is met: expect(mySpy.mostRecentCall.args[0]).…
javascript unit-testing logic jasmineI have a component A that use a component B,c,D in its template: ###template-compA.html <comp-b>&…
angular unit-testing jasmine karma-jasmineI am following this tutorial: https://angular.io/guide/testing#component-test-scenarios for karma+jasmine unit testing. Here my code: import { …
angular unit-testing jasmine karma-runner zone.js