Top "Ivalueconverter" questions

IValueConverter is an interface defined in Microsoft .NET XAML for use in WPF, Silverlight and Xamarin.

how to pass an integer as ConverterParameter?

I am trying to bind to an integer property: <RadioButton Content="None" IsChecked="{Binding MyProperty, Converter={StaticResource IntToBoolConverter}, ConverterParameter=0}" /&…

wpf binding ivalueconverter
WPF BooleanToVisibilityConverter that converts to Hidden instead of Collapsed when false?

Is there a way to use the existing WPF BooleanToVisibilityConverter converter but have False values convert to Hidden instead of …

.net wpf data-binding ivalueconverter
Is there a way to chain multiple value converters in XAML?

I've got a situation in which I need to show an integer value, bound to a property on my data …

wpf data-binding xaml ivalueconverter
Converter With Multiple Parameters

How does one use a converter with Multiple parameters in a Windows Phone 7 Application?

c# silverlight windows-phone-7 xaml ivalueconverter
Why do I get a DependencyProperty.UnsetValue when converting a value in a MultiBinding?

I have an extremely simple IMultiValueConverter that simply OR's two values. In the example below, I want to invert the …

c# wpf xaml dependency-properties ivalueconverter
Bool to Visibility Converter in WPF

I have three radio buttons and three group boxes and based on the selection of the radio button, group box …

c# wpf binding ivalueconverter converters
Moq + Unit Testing - System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch

I'm tring to use a lambda with a multiple-params function but Moq throws this exception at runtime when I attempt …

c# wpf unit-testing moq ivalueconverter
How to use MultiBinding in a WPF ComboBox

This is driving me NUTS!!! I have a ComboBox used to filter a query by employee which works fine but …

c# wpf data-binding xaml ivalueconverter
What is the use of ConvertBack method in IValueConverter interface?

What is the use of ConvertBack method in the IValueConverter interface. When will it be called? Or what is the …

c# .net wpf ivalueconverter
Understanding WPF data binding and value converter interactions

I'm trying to understand what's actually happening behind the scenes on the simplified repro code below. I have a single …

c# wpf xaml data-binding ivalueconverter