Top "Itextsharp" questions

Library to create and manipulate PDF documents in Java and C#. Use this tag for code using iText versions up to 5.5.x. For iText versions from 7.0.0 onwards a separate tag "itext7" is available.

PDF hostContainer callback

Following this SO solution here to notify clients of a click event in a PDF document, how is it possible …

javascript pdf adobe itextsharp acrofields
How can you find a problem with a programmatically generated PDF?

My group has been using the itext-sharp library and C#/.NET to generate custom, dynamic PDFs. For the most part, …

pdf pdf-generation itextsharp ghostscript
iTextSharp AcroField.SetFieldProperty issue

I have AcroField: AcroFields field = stamper.AcroFields; and i'm using these BaseFont and Font settings: string fontName = Path.Combine(Environment.…

c# itextsharp acrofields
Reversing Strings in Right To Left (BiDirectional) Languages in iTextSharp

I'm using iTextSharp( C# iText port) to create pdfs from text/html. Most of my text is in Hebrew, a …

c# itextsharp bidi
Adding form elements to a table with iTextSharp

I'm trying to create a PDF document that is essentially a list of users in a table format. I need …

c# pdf-generation itextsharp pdf-form
footer text and page numbers in itextsharp

I have a PDF document where, usually, each page is stamped with a footer with a page number preceded by …

c# itextsharp pdfptable
Can iTextSharp rasterize/export to JPEG or other image format?

I need to be able to export PDF's that I am creating to JPEG, so that users can have a … pdf itextsharp abcpdf mosso
How to extract text with iTextSharp 4.1.6?

iTextSharp 4.1.6 is the last version licensed under LGPL and is free to use in commercial purpose without paying license fees. …

c# itextsharp text-extraction
How to programmaticaly construct PDFs with PDF/A format

I need to write a NET application that will take various data from databases and construct a PDF which must …

.net pdf itextsharp pdfsharp pdfa
Jumping to the next page in iTextSharp PdfPtable when creating one for a PdfPDocument document

I'm building up an iTextSharp PdfPTable object that will later be passed to Document.Add() to be populated to a …

c# pdf report itextsharp pdfptable