Library to create and manipulate PDF documents in Java and C#. Use this tag for code using iText versions up to 5.5.x. For iText versions from 7.0.0 onwards a separate tag "itext7" is available.
I am creating an invoice using the iTextSharp. That displays nicely but sometime, when invoice items are larger in qty, …
itextsharp pdfptableI have a fillable PDF contains CheckBoxes and RadioButtons and TextBox. How do i get the CheckBox Name and its …
c#-4.0 pdf annotations itextsharp acrofieldsI am trying to convert an html to pdf but the problem i face is that the html table tags …
pdf-generation itextsharp pdf-conversionHow to export my aspx page (include buttons and Grids) to PDF? Searching the web I found iTextSharp, but it … pdf itextsharp webpage html2pdfI am having a table PdfPTable tblSummary = new PdfPTable(1); And it does have 2 tables nested within it. How can I …
c# itextsharp pdfptableI'm writing a web app that extracts a line at the top of each page in a PDF. The PDFs …
pdf fonts itextsharp pdf-extractionI'm using iTextSharp to create Code 39. How can I change the size of the code? I can change only the …
.net itextsharp barcode code39I've created a class that extends PdfPageEventHelper to add a specific message at the end of the page. The problem …
c# itextsharp footer page-numberingI can not detect blank page in pdf file. I have searched internet for it but could not find a …
c# .net pdf itextsharp pdf-parsingI am creating a PDF programmatically using iTextSharp and generating a PdfPTable. In some of the cells I need to …
c# itextsharp pdfptable