Top "Iteration" questions

Iterations are the successive repetitions in loops such as for, foreach or while.

Should I use jQuery.each()?

I'm doing very frequent iterations over arrays of objects and have been using jQuery.each(). However, I'm having speed and …

javascript jquery arrays iteration each
How to iterate through a QStringList

I'm trying to iterate through two different directories. The two directories are on the same root /. void MainWindow::loadPlugins() { pluginsDir = …

c++ qt iteration qstring qlist
Returning Nth Fibonacci number the sequence?

I have a question on my homework for class and I need to know how to return nth number of …

c# iteration fibonacci
generic foreach iteration of NamedNodeMap

In Java, looking at the NamedNodeMap interface, how do you iterate it with generics? It seems to use Node rather …

java xml iteration generics w3c
Get both the key and the index using Jade iteration

As described here:, it is easy enough to either get the index or the key. But …

html templates loops iteration pug
unordered_multimap - iterating the result of find() yields elements with different value

The multimap in C++ seems to work really odd, i would like to know why #include <iostream> #include &…

c++ c++11 stl iteration unordered-map
What is the meaning of list[:] in this code?

This code is from Python's Documentation. I'm a little confused. words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] for w in words[:]: if len(…

python list for-loop iteration
Is there a Python equivalent of range(n) for multidimensional ranges?

On Python, range(3) will return [0,1,2]. Is there an equivalent for multidimensional ranges? range((3,2)) # [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1),(2,0),(2,1)] So, for example, looping though the tiles …

python numpy iteration range
increase iterations for new version of lmer?

I just updated lme4 to version 1.0-4 and when I run lmer() my mixed effects model, which was converging before, …

r iteration lme4 lmer
how to parse json response in powershell

managed to get the JSON data with $R= Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" -Method Get -UseBasicParsing $x = $…

powershell iteration invoke-command