Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items.
The XAML below is basically trying to make a list of Buttons (rendered from the Name property of objects in …
wpf data-binding itemscontrol collectionviewsource currentitemI am trying to set a border to each item from a items control. Following is my XAML code. But …
wpf xaml styles border itemscontrolHere is the XAML markup: <ScrollViewer Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" Width="990"> <StackPanel Margin="50 0 0 40"> <…
wpf xaml panel datatemplate itemscontrolI want to display a important list of items using an ItemsControl. The reason why I'm using an ItemsControl is …
wpf itemscontrol scrollviewer virtualizingstackpanelI'm quite new to the WPF world and I'm having some problems with templating items in an ItemsControl. What I …
wpf listbox itemscontrol itemtemplateI have a grid with a few rows. In the top row, I have an ItemsControl that is bound dynamically …
wpf itemscontrol resize wrappanel binding-expressionsIm writing this childrens game (memory) and have a list of tiles (List) which i bind to an items control …
wpf xaml layout itemscontrolSo I have a StackPanel that I am using as a ContentControl. I have a place where I want buttons …
.net wpf xaml itemscontrol stackpanelI'd like to display search results within a WPF ItemsControl with the query terms highlighted. The search engine I use, …
wpf xaml datatemplate itemscontrolIs there a XAML only way to automatically sort the bound items (list of ViewModel object) ItemsControl based on one …
wpf sorting datatemplate itemscontrol collectionviewsource