How to support both iPad and iPhone retina graphics in universal apps

rowwingman picture rowwingman · Mar 8, 2012 · Viewed 46.2k times · Source

Apple presented new iPad that support retina graphics.

I saw this link retina graphic in apple apps. As you can see apple just use "@2x" suffix for retina iPad display.

I have an universal app. So how to support retina in new iPad and iPhone? Will iPad retina use suffix "@2x" similar to iPad?


rowwingman picture rowwingman · Mar 8, 2012

I just created a test app and tested.

So for devices without retina:
ImageName.png - For iPhone/iPod
ImageName~ipad.png -- For iPad

For devices with retina display:
[email protected] - For iPhone/iPod
ImageName@2x~ipad.png -- For iPad

And you can still use @2x if your iPhone high resolution image and iPad high resolution image have the same size.
To load the image just use [UIImage imageNamed:@"ImageName.png"];
I just tested it on iOS simulator for iOS 5.1, 5.0 and 4.3.
By the way why you should use @2x and nothing more.

The main thing because you shouldn't use the same graphics on iPhone and iPad, because iPhone and iPad has different size. And if you will use the same size the graphics will already done for you iPad retina display (if you previously use iPhone retina display). If you will images with different size, so you will use different image names for iPhone and iPad. So in this side you need just add @2x suffix. That's why you should use just @2x suffix. - these are my thoughts.