Cocos2d for iPhone vs. Cocos2d-x

WiseOldDuck picture WiseOldDuck · Jun 19, 2011 · Viewed 26.4k times · Source

I have worked some with Cocos2d for iPhone and find it delightful. I am starting another project, and have stumbled across Cocos2d-x, a C++ port. I'm tempted by the notion of being able to (with consideration) build for multiple platforms at once. I'm equally comfortable with Obj-C and C++, and am not looking for comparisons between the two languages unless it's specifically related to working with Cocos2d.

Has anyone worked with both versions of the engine, and can you comment on specific pros and cons of the two? Is Cocos2d-x "finished"? Reliable?


user481081 picture user481081 · Aug 16, 2011

The lure of multi-platform builds are a nightmare in disguise. Any web designer will tell you horror stories of trying to juggle IE with Firefox with Chrome with whatever at the same time. You will not suddenly earn more sales because you were able to launch on Android/iOS/etc on day one. More than likely, your attempts to multi-platform will restrict your app in ways that will kill it on all platforms. Your best bet is to start with one platform, finish that, then build for others. Your end product will thank you.

There are no pros/cons to Cocos2d-x unless you like C++ more than Obj-C.