Hi I am trying to add game center to my iphone app. I have done the following steps
1) I have added an app to my itnuesAccount
2) I assigned the Bundle ID as net.myCompany.myGameCenter
3) I am using the same "net.myCompany.myGameCenter" as Bundle identifier in my info.plist
4) using the sample code provided by apple i added the authentication steps.
self.currentLeaderBoard= kEasyLeaderboardID;
self.currentScore= 0;
[super viewDidLoad];
if([GameCenterManager isGameCenterAvailable])
self.gameCenterManager= [[[GameCenterManager alloc] init] autorelease];
[self.gameCenterManager setDelegate: self];
[self.gameCenterManager authenticateLocalUser];
[self updateCurrentScore];
[self showAlertWithTitle: @"Game Center Support Required!"
message: @"The current device does not support Game Center, which this sample requires."];
I have tried putting the kEasyLeaderboardID value equal to the one that i placed myself upon creating the new leader board. I tried the other one, that i defined at step2. "myComap"
Other people who are stuck with this problem to this date, like me..
Turned out because my devices were jailbroken =/ .. I read an answer somewhere on stackoverflow.com that jailbroken devices interpret the app as a "real-world" app, thus not discovering sandbox accounts ..
I restored my iPad, and got an iPod touch from a friend, and both worked painlessly .. (previously, I tried it on 3 jailbroken devices, for which none of them worked ..).