can i change my iOS deployment target to 5.0 on xcode 4.5?

Krunal picture Krunal · Feb 8, 2013 · Viewed 18.7k times · Source

I developed iPhone app using base SDKs as 6.0 and deployment target as 6.0

Now i want to change my deployment target to 5.0 instead of 6.0

is it possible to change ?

I have used feature of autolayout in xcode 4.5


I have one doubt: I have heard that if i develop app using deployment target of iOS 5 and with launch image of [email protected] for iPhone 5 apple will reject my app..(Reason : Invalid Launch Image - You app contains a launch image with a size modifier that is only supported for apps built with the iOS 6.0 SDK or later) but for support of iPhone 5, i have to supply image [email protected] image. how to solve this problem ?

Thanks for the reading of question.


Adis picture Adis · Feb 8, 2013

You don't need to change the base SDK to change the deployment target. Just change it to 5.0 under your target options:

enter image description here

Note that autolayout and some other features are available only on SDK 6.0.

Edit for XCode 7+

The tab is now called General, and the Deployment target is under Deployment info:

XCode 7