iOS 9 is the ninth version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.
Since updating my iPhone 5s to the iOS 9 beta trial, I have found that the status bar styling meta tag, …
ios iphone meta-tags iphone-standalone-web-app ios9I previously built my app in an Xcode 7 beta as my testing device is an iOS 9.0 device. I recently deleted …
objective-c app-store-connect ios9 xcode7 xcode6.4I'm using iOS9 XCode7 I need to change the height of cell Dynamically according to labelText Height I have used: …
objective-c uitableview ios9 uitableviewautomaticdimensionI get An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made. on iOS 9 if …
ssl ios9 tls1.2When two alert present one by one, i means one alert present and over them another alert presenting and app …
objective-c ios9 xcode7 uialertcontroller xcode7-beta3After user does force touch, I want to vibrate phone just like default behaviour. Is it haptic? If so, how …
ios9 3dtouchI see that iOS9 and xCode7 introduced a new field called "semantic" into storyboard config. A google search did not …
uiview storyboard semantics ios9 xcode7