Top "Ios7" questions

iOS 7 is the seventh version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system and is the successor to iOS 6. It was announced at the company's Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10, 2013, and was released on September 18, 2013.

How to set content inset for UITextView in ios

I'm having a UITextView and set content inset as [atextView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 10, 0, 0)]; This code working in iOS 6.1 and below, but …

ios ios7 uitextview uiedgeinsets
Xcode error while validation - "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5"

Just got stuck with this error while I'm trying to publish an app to app store. Sorry because i cant …

ios iphone ios7 app-store xcode5
How to set the background color of UIPickerView on iOS 7 using SDK 7?

How to set the background color of UIPickerView on iOS 7 using SDK 7 and use a standard picker on iOS 5 and 6? …

iphone ios ios7 uipickerview
UINavigationBar set tintcolor tested in iOS7 not working?

I have an app which have a UINavigationBar and I have set the tint color to black like this: self.…

iphone objective-c ios7 uinavigationcontroller tintcolor
iOS 7 dynamic blur effect like in Control Center

I'm trying to make a controller that will be similar to Control Center in iOS7. From WWDC session #226 I've learnt …

iphone objective-c blur ios7
Progress view height in iOS 7

I want to increase the height of progress view in iOS 6 and below i am doing this using appearence method …

iphone ios objective-c ios7 uiprogressview
What are the nominal distances for iBeacon "Far", "Near", and "Immediate"

I've been playing around with using iOS devices as both broadcasters and receivers using the new iBeacon API's in iOS 7. …

bluetooth ios7 ibeacon
automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets not working

I've created an extremely simple demo app to test the functionality of automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, but the last cell of the tableView …

ios objective-c ios7 uiscrollview uitabbar
How do I create a standard iOS Share button?

The iOS Human Interface Guidelines say: Use the system-provided Share button. Users are familiar with the meaning and behavior of …

ios cocoa-touch ios7 uikit share
Adjust letter spacing in iOS 7

In iOS 7, when navigating back using the new swipe-from-edge-of-screen gesture, the title of the Back button ("Artists") fades from being …

ios7 uilabel textkit