The 2010-2011 version of the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch/Apple TV operating system family, made by Apple.
I'm trying to display a UIImage in real-time coming from the camera, and it seems that my UIImageView is not …
iphone uiimageview uiimage ios4 avfoundationI'd like to add a Done button to the iPhone number pad keyboard. There's even a handy space at the …
iphone uitextview uikeyboard ios4is there a way to set the accessibility focus programatically (App Store-safe)? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
ios iphone ios4 accessibility uiaccessibility-notificationI am preparing an iPhone app where I need something similar to UIPageControl. Can you please tell me what I …
iphone ios4 uipagecontrol iphone-sdk-4.0.1I have the code (stripped down): CFDictionaryRef *currentListingRef; //declare currentListingRef here NSDictionary *currentListing; currentListing = (NSDictionary *) currentListingRef; And then I get …
objective-c xcode ios4 casting nsdictionaryThe applicationWillTerminate delegate method is not getting called in iOS 4.0 When I hit the Home button I am seeing the …
iphone ios4 uiapplicationdelegateIs there an apple-house-made way to get a UISlider with a ProgressView. This is used by many streaming applications e.…
objective-c ios4 streaming uislider uiprogressviewI'm putting together a universal app and I have the icons in my project, but I keep getting a warning …
ios4 icons packagingThe documentation for AVPlayer states the following: [The] player works equally well with local and remote media files However, the …
iphone audio streaming ios4 core-audio