Xcode 8 forces to 'Choose an initial device view'

Vincent Gigandet picture Vincent Gigandet · Sep 10, 2016 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

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I currently updated to Xcode 8 GM. When I try to see my storyboard, above window pops up and there's no way to avoid this settings. I chose 6s screen and all my view controllers changed to 6s size. It will be much harder to adjust layout constraints on that small screens. I believe it's possible to change the size to iPad but I want to know what this is first.

No way to comeback to ambiguous sized view controllers?

What is this settings for?


Xiang LI picture Xiang LI · Sep 15, 2016

A way "come back to ambiguous sized" can be:

Select all the Scenes(View Controllers) in the Storyboard, show the Size inspector, change the Simulated Size to Freeform, then set Width Height = 600.

Then, those tons of warnings disappear.

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