Top "Ios10" questions

iOS 10 is the tenth version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

Take a photo and save to photo library in Swift

I have a button "take a photo" and when pressed, it opens the camera, you take a photo and when …

swift3 ios10
Error: Could not build Objective-C module 'Firebase'

When I compile the application I get an error equal to this: Could not build Objective-C module 'Firebase' This error …

firebase swift3 xcode8 ios10
App rejected due to missing usage descriptions (Xcode8)

So I got this mail today saying that the latest build of my app was rejected by iTunes Connect due …

ios app-store-connect ios10 xcode8
Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both frameworks

iOS 10 / Xcode 8 GM build getting the below, never had it before on Xcode 7. Any ideas? objc[25161]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented …

xcode ios10 xcode8
how to display image in ios push notification?

iOS 10 introduced push notification framework updates, UserNotificationsUI.framework As written on apple docs, it lets us customize the appearance of …

ios push-notification apple-push-notifications ios10 unnotificationserviceextension
"Reading from public effective user settings" in iOS 10

I'm getting the following messages when launching my app: 2016-10-12 14:47:23.705002 Discovery[377:147958] [MC] System group container for…

ios swift ios10
The app's Info.plist must contain an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data

Got a build rejection The app's Info.plist must contain an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the …

ios app-store-connect ios10 instabug
What does deployment target mean?

this is a very simple question I'm assuming. Can someone tell me what deployment target means. If I choose IOS 10, …

ios xcode ios10
iOS 10 Safari: Prevent scrolling behind a fixed overlay and maintain scroll position

I'm not able to prevent the main body content from scrolling while a fixed position overlay is showing. Similar questions …

javascript ios css safari ios10
iOS 10 error [access] <private> when using UIImagePickerController

I am using XCode 8 and testing with iOS 10.2 Beta. I have added the Photos, PhotosUI and MobileCoreServices frameworks to project. …

ios objective-c uiimagepickercontroller presentviewcontroller ios10