Custom user location dot in Google maps for iOS (GMSMapview)

mllm picture mllm · Jun 23, 2015 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source
  1. Is there an official way to set a custom user location dot in Google maps for iOS (GMSMapView)?
  2. Is there a known way to "hack" it? Like iterating through all subviews and layers and fish the blue dot?
  3. Even if you can't customise its appearance, can you control its z order index? When you have many markers, the little blue dot becomes hidden, and sometimes you want it to be visible at all times.



apinho picture apinho · Jun 29, 2015

You can try to find the image on:

GoogleMaps.framework > Resources > GoogleMaps.bundle OR GoogleMaps.framework > Resources > GoogleMaps.bundle > GMSCoreResources.bundle

I did a quick search on those and the only associated file I found with that blue dot is GMSSprites-0-1x.

Please read the google maps terms and conditions because this might not be legal.