How to correctly create carthage cartfile?

YichenBman picture YichenBman · May 22, 2015 · Viewed 30.5k times · Source

I'm looking into cartfile. Can't wait to "simply create a cartfile" like all the instructions say to do.

Only... how do you "simply" create a Cartfile?

I've created a plain text document, named it cartfile and copied some dependencies in it.

Ran carthage update inside my root project directory

Get this error: "No such file in directory"

Downloaded an example carthage project and the Cartfile is actually an executable.. So how do I "simply create" a Cartfile, cause there aren't any instructions on how to


BenJammin picture BenJammin · May 23, 2015

From the command line, navigate to your project directory.

touch Cartfile

Now the Cartfile is created, make it executable with:

chmod +x [YourDirectory/Cartfile]

You can open it with any text editor. Then insert whatever library and source you want (Example: github "SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON" >= 2.1.2)